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At The Table with The Dice Tower - Bountiful Corridor

Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel
Eric Summerer
Eric Summerer
Julie Ahern

This time, Tom, Julie, and Eric look back at the work of the Prospero Hall design studio, as well as answering a question about travel games, and presenting a new Tale of Boardgaming Horror. Plus, those Roses, Thorns, and Hula Hoops.

01:31 - Popular Games on the Dice Tower Cruise

03:31 - Waiting to Get New Games

06:35 - The Work of Prospero Hall

27:05 - Tale of Boardgaming Horror

32:08 - Question: Travel Games

39:20 - Dominion (app)

42:11 - Santa's Workshop

42:36 - Anotheer Christmas Romance Movie

45:52 - Light in the Mist

47:57 - Super Kawaii Pets

49:30 - Wandering Towers

52:58 - The Cathedral of Orleans

55:29 - Reprint News: Comic Hunters and Video Game Champion