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Board Game Breakfast 148 - GenCon vs. Essen

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Tom Vasel takes a look at the news of the week, joined by a host of friends!

0:20 - Intro
1:21 - Board Game News
6:21 - Crowdfunding Round-up with Suzanne
11:15 - Total Board Game Makeover
14:04 - Robert Presents: Painting Miniatures 101
15:56 - Dice Tower Productions
17:08 - Head in the Clouds with Chaz Marler
10:08 - Boardgaming with Colleagues
22:39 - Tom Thinks (GenCon vs. Essen)
29:53 - Playing the News
32:07 - The Best and the Worst
34:08 - Good Games, Better Gamers
36:10 - Fresh from France
38:12 - Games with Dan and Cora
39:54 - Snakes and Lattes
43:11 - Dead Last
44:59 - Closing Thoughts

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Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel
Suzanne Sheldon Dice Guy
Suzanne Sheldon
Rob Oren
Chaz Marler
Dan and Cora
Snakes and Lattes
Barry Doublet

Video series

Board Game Breakfast

Board Game Breakfast is a variety show, broadcasted live every Monday and Thursday mornings at 9am EST.