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Essen Spiel 2015 Games Preview - Part 5/5

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Tom Vasel, Sam Healey, and Zee Garcia take a look at 100 games being released at the Essen Game Fair. Here's the last twenty!

0:58 - Legacy: The Testament of the Duke de Crecy - Five Families
2:00 - Neuroshima: Convoy
3:23 - Flick 'Em Up! Stallion Canyon
4:08 - Carson City: Big Box
4:52 - Inhabit the Earth
6:33 - Termity
7:33 - 7 Wonders: Duel
9:16 - Roll for the Galaxy: Ambition
9:56 - Steampunk Rally
10:53 - T.I.M.E. Stories
12:02 - Food Chain Magnate
13:01 - Between Two Cities
14:03 - Stronghold (Second Edition)
14:55 - The Golden Ages
15:48 - A Study in Emerald (Second Edition)
17:14 - We Were Brothers
18:51 - Shakespeare
19:45 - Castellion
20:44 - Pandemic Legacy
21:48 - Beasty Bar: New Beasts in Town

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Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel
Sam Healey Dice Guy
Sam Healey
Zee Garcia Avatar
Zee Garcia