The Pillars of the Earth

The Pillars of the Earth
At the beginning of the 13th century, construction of the greatest and most beautiful cathedral in England begins. Players are builders who try to contribute the most to this cathedral's construction and, in so doing, score the most victory points. Gameplay roughly consists of using workers to produce raw materials, and then using craftsmen to convert the materials into victory points. Workers may also be used to produce gold, the currency of the game. Players are also given three master builders each turn, each of which can do a variety of tasks, including recruiting more workers, buying or selling goods, or just obtaining victory points. Getting early choices with a master builder costs gold, as does purchasing better craftsmen. Players must strike a balance between earning gold to fund their purchases and earning victory points.
Expanded by:
The Pillars of the Earth Expansion Set (which include the Expansion Cards in some editions)
The Pillars of the Earth: Expansion Cards (which are included in the Expansion Set in some editions)
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In this episode, we discuss a couple session reports involving Incan Gold, Wallenstein, Pillars of the Earth, Lord of the Rings, Manhatten, Clash of the Gladiators, Dart Wars, Nottingham, Nexus Ops, and Shadows over Camelot.

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In this episode, Moritz talks about his second favorite gaming accessory and updates us with his battle against Jason. Mary gives us the news and a review, and Eric gives us another 72 second review.

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In this episode, Mary gives us the news, and we continue our contest for Incan Gold and 24/7. The main focus of our show is our Top Ten Influential Games lists. Greg Schloesser gives us the top ten influential games of all time.

TDT # 88: Top 10 Games, New Contest
In this episode, Sam discusses playing Marvel Heroes with his wife, and we discuss a recent gaming event. We start two new segments, "Ask Jed", and "72 Second reviews" by Eric Summerer. Moritz gives us another essay, and Mary provides a lot of news. We end out dice tower contest and start a new one for 24/7 and Incan Gold. Finally, Mike Hibbert provides us with a list of his top 10 games.