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  • Bryan Drake Dice Guy
    Bryan Drake
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Bryan takes a look at the new content in the Elseworlds set for HeroClix.

  • Bryan Drake Dice Guy
    Bryan Drake
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Bryan takes a look at the new content in the Justice League set for HeroClix.

  • Bryan Drake Dice Guy
    Bryan Drake
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Bryan Drake takes a look at all the goodies in the new HeroClix set, themed on Wonder Woman!

  • Roy Cannaday
    Roy Cannaday
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Roy Cannaday and Rob Newman take a look at the new Guardians of the Galaxy set for HeroClix, from Wizkids!

  • Roy Cannaday
    Roy Cannaday
  • Member
    Robert Newman
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Roy Cannaday and Robert Newman take a look an expansion pack for Heroclix, from WizKids!

  • Bryan Drake Dice Guy
    Bryan Drake
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Bryan takes a look at what the new Guardians set for HeroClix brings to the table.

  • Bryan Drake Dice Guy
    Bryan Drake
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Bryan gives us a look at the new convention exclusive figures for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles HeroClix.

  • Bryan Drake Dice Guy
    Bryan Drake
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Bryan gives us a look at the new convention exclusive figures for Marvel HeroClix.

  • Bryan Drake Dice Guy
    Bryan Drake
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Bryan gives us a look at the new convention exclusive figures for DC Comincs HeroClix.