Misfits: The Tactical Stacking Game

Misfits: The Tactical Stacking Game
“Misfits is simple, immediate, a blend of dexterity, art, and creative play, transforming stacking into an aesthetically pleasing experience, with a touch of magic” - Tom Brewster, on Shut Up and Sit Down's podcast
Watch your friends face devilish challenges as they stack triangles on curved edges and thread cylinders into hollowed-out blocks. A steady hand and a cool head wins every time in this tactical stacking game of stealth, sabotage and suspense.
How to Play
The first person to stack all blocks from their hand into the shared tower wins the game.
Each player chooses ten blocks from the box at random. Take turns around a table, stacking one block per turn. Blocks may be placed in any direction or orientation, but once played in the tower, the blocks cannot be moved or repositioned. Should any blocks fall during your turn, collect each of the fallen pieces and add them to your hand. If the entire tower falls on your turn, you have to collect all the pieces, including any left standing. No one is eliminated from the game.
40 unique shapes. No two stacks are the same. It’s nail-biting. Surprising. Delightful.
Watch your friends face devilish challenges as they stack triangles on curved edges and thread cylinders into hollowed-out blocks. A steady hand and a cool head wins every time in this tactical stacking game of stealth, sabotage and suspense.
How to Play
The first person to stack all blocks from their hand into the shared tower wins the game.
Each player chooses ten blocks from the box at random. Take turns around a table, stacking one block per turn. Blocks may be placed in any direction or orientation, but once played in the tower, the blocks cannot be moved or repositioned. Should any blocks fall during your turn, collect each of the fallen pieces and add them to your hand. If the entire tower falls on your turn, you have to collect all the pieces, including any left standing. No one is eliminated from the game.
40 unique shapes. No two stacks are the same. It’s nail-biting. Surprising. Delightful.
Player Count
Playing Time
Year Released