King of Tokyo
King of Tokyo
At the start of each turn, you roll six dice, which show the following six symbols: 1, 2, or 3 Victory Points, Energy, Heal, and Attack. Over three successive throws, choose whether to keep or discard each die in order to win victory points, gain energy, restore health, or attack other players into understanding that Tokyo is YOUR territory.
The fiercest player will occupy Tokyo, and earn extra victory points, but that player can't heal and must face all the other monsters alone!
Top this off with special cards purchased with energy that have a permanent or temporary effect, such as the growing of a second head which grants you an additional die, body armor, nova death ray, and more.... and it's one of the most explosive games of the year!
In order to win the game, one must either destroy Tokyo by accumulating 20 victory points, or be the only surviving monster once the fighting has ended.
First Game in the King of Tokyo series
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Podcasts Featuring this Game
TDT # 333 - How We've Changed
A ton of stuff in this episode, folks! We review Lords of War, Amerigo, Polis: Rise of the Hegemony, Tomorrow, Freedom, Cheaty Mages, and Steam Park. Brian takes a look back at Acquire, Bill at convention scheduling, Geoff at a most unusual dinner, Dexter and the Chief at King of Tokyo, Mark at ASL, James at Essen, and Roger at Kickstarter! Tom also reviews 19 games in 16 minutes, and we end the show talking about how we've changed since starting the Dice Tower.
TDT # 249 - Games Palapalooza
In this episode, Tom and Eric answer quite a few of your questions, including faults in games they love. We also review a whole pile of games, including Wiz War, Rex, Pirates of Nassau, Rocket Jockey, King of Tokyo, and more!
TDT # 240 - Best of 2011, part 2
We continue our best of 2011 show, still joined by an army of contributors! In this half, we talk about our favorite expansions of 2011, as well as the best reprint, most innovative game, best family game, strangest game, biggest brainburner, and more! Finally, though, we come to the BEST games of the year - including our top ten games of 2011.