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At The Table with The Dice Tower - BOO!

Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel
Eric Summerer
Eric Summerer
Julie Ahern

In this episode, Tom, Julie, and Eric discuss the finer points of the suggested ages you see on game boxes, and when it matters to pay attention. Also, how a board game can make you scared, a new Tale of Boardgaming Horror, and some Roses, Thorns, and Hula Hoops.

07:33 - Suggested Ages

20:05 - Games That Scare You

41:47 - Tale of Boardgaming Horror

46:19 - Mother of Frankenstein

50:27 - The Shining

54:26 - Horrified: Greek Monsters

59:45 - EXIT Advent Calendar: The Silent Storm

1:02:30 - CDSK