TDT # 508 - Ghooooosts!

TDT # 508 - Ghooooosts!
In this show, we talk about Kerala, Alien Frontiers App, RISK: Star Wars Edition, Excape, Booo!, Ghostel, Ghostbusters 2, and Toilet Trouble. Finally, we discuss playing horror games with children.
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Kirsten Hiese
Publisher: KOSMOS
Designer: Tory Niemann
Publisher: Clever Mojo Games
Designer: James D'Aloisio
Publisher: Hasbro
Designer: Reiner Knizia
Publisher: AMIGO
Designer: Christophe Gonthier
Publisher: Blackrock Games
Designer: Bevan Clatworthy
Publisher: Tinkerbot Games
Designer: Vincent Pritchard
Publisher: Cryptozoic Entertainment
Designer: (Uncredited)
Publisher: Hasbro