TDT # 575 - The Quiet before the Storm

TDT # 575 - The Quiet before the Storm
In this show, Mandi recaps some conventions she's been to, and we talk about Paleolithic, Roll Player, Gizmos, War Chest, Loot, Lost Cities, and 6 Nimmt. We also answer some questions, do our "One and Done" segment and of course, talk about two truths and a lie!
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Chih-Fan Chen
Publisher: Shepherd Kit, Inc.
Designer: Keith Matejka
Publisher: Thunderworks Games
Designer: Phil Walker-Harding
Publisher: CMON Global Limited
Designer: Trevor Benjamin
Publisher: Alderac Entertainment Group
Designer: (Uncredited)
Publisher: Pearltime Games Ltd
Designer: Reiner Knizia
Publisher: KOSMOS
Designer: Wolfgang Kramer
Publisher: AMIGO