TDT # 584 - Best Adventure Games

TDT # 584 - Best Adventure Games
In this episode, Tom and Eric take a look at The Pretender, Ya Blew It, Nemesis, The Reckoners, Ceylon, and Solenia. We also hear Geoff test out the Pop-O-Matic, and answer a pile of questions. Finally, we end the show talking about our favorite adventure games. Also, did I mention we were in the same room?
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Hazel Reynolds
Publisher: Gamely Ltd
Designer: Prospero Hall
Publisher: Wonder Forge
Designer: Adam Kwapiński
Publisher: Awaken Realms
Designer: Brett Sobol
Publisher: Nauvoo Games
Designer: Chris Zinsli
Publisher: Ludonova
Designer: Sébastien Dujardin
Publisher: Pearl Games