TDT # 104: Board Game Podcaster Awards & Top Ten Expansions

In this episode, Mary gives us the news, and Sam and Tom talk about other hot news items of the week. Geoff Englestein talks about Tech and games, and Mike Hibbert issues a challenge to Sam and Tom. Jeb starts his own podcast, Ted Cheatham reviews Duel in the Dark, and Tom and Sam talk about recently played games. We give our opinions on the Board Game Podcaster Awards, and talk about our top ten board game expansions.
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Ananda Gupta
Publisher: GMT Games
Designer: Friedemann de Pedro
Publisher: Pilot Games
Designer: Derek Carver
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Designer: Peter Prinz
Publisher: Queen Games
Designer: Franz-Benno Delonge
Publisher: Winning Moves Germany