TDT # 259 - Games and Real Life

In this show, Brian Englestein starts a new segment, Geoff continues to tell us how to win at games, and Ryan talks about Urban Sprawl. We have a fake top ten list, go over recent games - such as 1989 and Undermining - and talk about mechanisms from games that we wish we could port to real life.
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Chad Jensen
Publisher: GMT Games
Designer: Donald X. Vaccarino
Publisher: Ascora Games
Designer: Klaus Teuber
Publisher: 999 Games
Designer: Jonathan Franklin
Publisher: Wattsalpoag Games
Publisher: The Game Crafter, LLC
Designer: Matt Tolman
Publisher: Z-Man Games
Designer: Randy Moorehead
Publisher: Simulations Workshop
Designer: Jason Matthews
Publisher: GMT Games