TDT # 61: Our Top Ten Games with Plastic Miniatures

And in a new time slot, here's another episode of the Dice Tower!
In this episode, we introduce a new contest to win Z-man games and Viktory II. There are three reviews, of Canal Mania, No Thanks!, and Loot! Simon Hunt joins us and talks about his game Take Stock! Mr. Whiney complains about second editions, Rick gives us the news, and Jason mourns the loss of Boardgamespeak. Finally, we end the show with our top ten games with plastic miniatures.We have the show available in .mp3 format, which you can download below by right clicking the link below, and selecting "save link as".
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Reiner Knizia
Publisher: (Unknown)
Designer: Steve Kendall
Publisher: Ragnar Brothers
Designer: Thorsten Gimmler
Publisher: AMIGO
Designer: Simon Hunt
Publisher: Z-Man Games
Designer: Peter Morrison
Publisher: Morrison Games
Designer: Rob Daviau
Publisher: Milton Bradley
Designer: Glenn Drover
Publisher: Eagle-Gryphon Games
Designer: Rob Daviau
Publisher: Avalon Hill Games, Inc.
Designer: Klaus Teuber
Publisher: KOSMOS
Designer: Don Beyer
Publisher: Eagle-Gryphon Games
Designer: Rob Daviau
Publisher: Avalon Hill Games, Inc.
Designer: Roberto Di Meglio
Publisher: Ares Games
Designer: Richard Borg
Publisher: Days of Wonder
Designer: Michael Gray
Publisher: Milton Bradley
Designer: Richard Borg
Publisher: Avalon Hill Games, Inc.
Designer: Glenn Drover
Publisher: Beacon Multimedia S.A.
Designer: Robert Johannessen
Publisher: Dragonlords, Inc.
Designer: Kevin Wilson
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Designer: Kyle Weinandy
Publisher: Eagle-Gryphon Games
Designer: Christian T. Petersen
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Designer: Stephen Baker
Publisher: Hasbro