TDT # 70: Interview with Zev Shlasinger

And flying solo, another episode of the Dice Tower!
The show has a slight change in format, and Sam once again can't make it to recording. We finish up our contest for Gifttrap and Twilight Imperium III, and start a new contest for Quest of the Dragonlords. Rick gives us the news, Moritz reviews a few games, and I answer a few questions. I give my top ten games for teaching English (ESL), and talk about a real life dice tower. Finally, I finish up the show with an interview with Zev Shlasinger, founder of Z-man games (Reef Encounter). We have the show available in .mp3 format, which you can download below by right clicking the link below, and selecting "save link as".
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Rob Anderson
Publisher: Cactus Game Design
Designer: Uwe Rosenberg
Designer: Marcel-André Casasola Merkle
Publisher: Hans im Glück
Designer: Steve Kendall
Publisher: Ragnar Brothers
Designer: Mike Petty
Publisher: Black & White Games
Designer: Klaus Teuber
Publisher: KOSMOS
Designer: Nick Kellet
Publisher: Arclight
Designer: Dimitry Davidoff
Publisher: (Public Domain)
Designer: Peggy Brown
Publisher: Damm / Egmont
Designer: Andrew Lawson
Publisher: Hasbro
Designer: Bruno Faidutti
Publisher: Bard Centrum Gier
Designer: Matthew Kirby
Publisher: Beverly Enterprises, Inc.
Designer: Bruno Faidutti
Publisher: Days of Wonder
Designer: Emiliano Sciarra
Publisher: dV Giochi
Designer: Reiner Knizia
Publisher: alea
Designer: Laurent Lavaur
Publisher: Eurogames
Designer: Wolfgang Riedesser
Publisher: Asmodee